MU-B wiki: What Made Brand POTTERY join MUSINSA Despite its Own Successful Online Mall?

August 26, 2024

 🆅 POTTERY, what's so hot these days?

· Over 30 billion won in sales revenue for 1H, 2024, up 150% YOY.
· Repeat purchase rate at almost 50%
· Female product line launched for the 2024 SS season making smooth progress.

POTTERY has built a reputation among consumers as a "trusted brand." The company entered the business casual market for men aged 25 to 40 in 2017, with the slogan of creating "uniforms suitable for modern society." By offering high-quality materials, designs staying true to their essence, sophisticated content, and online and offline store experiences, POTTERY has successfully deployed consistent branding and received rave customer reviews.

POTTERY, which had continued successful growth with its own online mall and two offline outlets, decided to join MUSINSA in early 2023. What made POTTERY, despite its strong, self-sustained sales channels, choose to enter the MUSINSA Platform?

POTTERY on MUSINSA: How POTTERY is Branding Itself on the Platform

POTTERY achieved sales of 12 billion won in 2022 and kicked off an initiative for business expansion the following year. In early 2023, the brand opened new stores at Shinsegae Gangnam (Seoul) and Centum City (Busan). It launched "POTTERY Women" for the 2024 SS season targeting female consumers who had much interest in its brand. While upgrading its own online store, POTTERY realized it is also important to raise brand awareness and increase sales among consumers who were either unfamiliar with the brand or had not yet experienced it.

“Our online mall has been successful thanks to our loyal customers, but we wanted to reach consumers who were not yet familiar with the POTTERY brand or had no experience with our products.”


POTTERY targeted consumers on MUSINSA in their 20s~30s, who are willing to spend on brands that offer high-quality design products. To reach this audience, POTTERY actively showcased its carefully crafted seasonal lookbooks on MUSINSA's Showcase, which serves as an online pop-up store. They also held a comment-writing event for consumers who viewed the Showcase.

The Showcase was conducted a total of six times, with an average of over 200 consumer comments received per case. POTTERY’s MD said the consumer feedback was an incredibly valuable source of insight. Previously, consumer feedback mostly focused on purchase inquiries, fit, and size, but they found useful insights into what consumers think of the POTTERY brand and the Showcase content through the comments collected in this event.

Since POTTERY products are priced at a premium, the brand frequently provides purchase guides to ensure consumers can thoroughly check the quality and design of its products.

For example, they collaborate with fashion creators to offer detailed explanations about the POTTERY products, helping consumers to recognize the brand and feel the desire to "try it on."

To effectively convey POTTERY's style and vision, they introduced "MUSINSA Music," featuring Slom & Sumin performing live dressed in POTTERY clothing.

Driven by these activities, the page views (PVs) for POTTERY’s brand shop on MUSINSA steadily increased, nearly doubling in the first half of 2024 compared to the previous year. Additionally, POTTERY successfully raised brand awareness not only among its primary customer base—men aged 25-34 who purchase business casual attire—but also among men in their early 20s and women.

After joining MUSINSA, POTTERY launched outdoor advertisements in key areas of Seoul.

Among all buyers on MUSINSA Live, 70% became first-time customers of POTTERY.

POTTERY and MUSINSA worked together and carefully selected items that would capture the interest of consumers who had not yet experienced POTTERY. A case in point was POTTERY's signature "Comfort Shirt." Known for its high quality and styling versatility, Comfort Shirt perfectly showcased the strengths of the POTTERY brand, leading to the creation of many loyal customers.

POTTERY and MUSINSA actively promoted Comfort Shirt to increase brand awareness among consumers who had no POTTERY experience. The first joint initiative in this effort was the "MUSINSA Live."

They attracted new customers through the "MUSINSA Live," effectively showcasing product quality and appeal in a short time.

Last May, the POTTERY & MUSINSA Live received an overwhelming response from consumers, with sales increasing more than fourfold compared to the previous week. Notably, over 70% of the customers who made purchases during the four-hour live session were first-time buyers of POTTERY, marking a significant achievement.

While typical live commerce events rely on steep discounts to drive quick sales, POTTERY offered only minimal discounts but its event successfully boosted both sales and brand awareness.

“POTTERY rarely offers discounts, making it hard to have our products represented in large-scale discount campaigns on the MUSINSA Platform. After considering how to "quickly and effectively promote good products that we have to offer," we chose to hold the MUSINSA Live. Although our discount rate was lower compared to other brands that put up the MUSINSA Live, we were confident that POTTERY's branding and product quality alone would drive strong sales, and the results proved successful.”

- MUSINSA MD deep in love with POTTERY

The POTTERY MD also pointed out the MUSINSA Live as the most memorable among all joint activities they had done with MUSINSA.

Live broadcasts are promotions that are difficult for a single brand to execute on its own but, thanks to our partnership with MUSINSA, POTTERY's live session delivered satisfactory results in both sales and brand awareness beyond expectations.

“Through the MUSINSA Live, we were able to introduce our signature products to over 200,000 consumers. We discovered that there were more people interested in POTTERY than we had initially thought, and we received customers’ qualitative feedback on our products real-time. This gave us confidence that we could further increase our sales and brand awareness through MUSINSA.”


By analyzing MUSINSA's customer sales data, we quickly released the Short Sleeve Comfort Shirt (in three colors) exclusively on MUSINSA, targeting the summer season. As a result, sales jumped more than 30 times compared to the previous week. This significant achievement was due to the close synergy between the brand and the MUSINSA MD.

As a brand grows, "branding" becomes even more critical. With an increasing number of products and sales channels, it can be challenging to maintain brand identity or secure connections to it. In the same vein, it is crucial to find a partner who communicates closely with us, understands our needs, and meets them at each stage of our growth.

Now that we've officially launched a new women's line, we're even more excited about collaborating with MUSINSA, who has a deep understanding of POTTERY in the men's and women's new business casual market.

POTTERY aims to create new business casual wear for "milers" who lead the world. For the 24 SS season, it introduced POTTERY Women, featuring comfortable and elegant silhouettes.

Finally, here’s the account of how POTTERY has utilized MUSINSA as its strategic sales channel, as explained by the MD.

🆅 Three Key Strategies for POTTERY's Success on MUSINSA

• POTTERY focused on creating detailed content to promote its unique style and identity, specifically targeting MUSINSA customers who prefer premium, high-quality brands.

• By leveraging the MUSINSA Live, POTTERY introduced its signature, Comfort Shirt, resulting in a 70% increase in new customers and a fourfold increase in sales compared to the previous week.

• Instead of relying on discounts, POTTERY collaborated on content and campaigns that highlighted the quality of products, positioning itself as one of the leading brands on the MUSINSA Platform.

👀If you want to dig in POTTERY,

👉Visit POTTERY Brand shop
Visit POTTERY Instagram